Why You Should Delete Your Data Before Recycling Electronics

In today’s digital age, we store a vast amount of personal and sensitive information on our IT equipment. This information can include financial data, medical records, passwords, and contact information. When recycling electronics, it is important to erase all of this data to protect our privacy and security.

Why Deleting Files Is Not Enough

Many people think that simply deleting files from their computer or mobile phone is enough to protect their data. However, this is not the case. Deleted files can still be recovered using special software. In fact, there are even companies that specialize in recovering deleted data.

How to Securely Erase Your Data

There are a number of ways to securely erase your data. One way is to use a data destruction software program. These programs overwrite the data on your hard drive multiple times, making it impossible to recover. Another way to erase your data is to physically destroy the hard drive. This can be done by shredding the hard drive, crushing it, or melting it.

Where to Recycle Your IT Equipment

Companies like UPCYCLE USA will take the guesswork out of finding a place to recycle your outdated equipment. When companies, schools or hospitals have bulk inventory they need to get rid of, UPCYCLE USA will come and pick it up for Free! 

Owning every step of the recycling process is what makes UPCYCLE USA different from our competitors. We offer a white glove service from pick-up to even supplying a certificate of data destruction for your devices.

The Importance of Recycling

In addition to protecting your privacy and security, recycling your IT equipment is also good for the environment. E-waste is a major source of pollution. When we recycle our old IT equipment, we help to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

Electronic Waste Recycling


At UPCYCLE USA, we make it easy for organizations to do the RIGHT thing with their End of Life Electronic (EOL) IT Equipment. Honest, reliable & secure electronic waste recycling services.